
Login to world of warships with steam account
Login to world of warships with steam account

login to world of warships with steam account

Can I Platoon with players across all platforms?Ī. No, they will stay exactly the same for each region independent of which platform you play on. You can find additional details in our Billing Support Section. We will follow the existing policy concerning refunds. Yes, that will be the main payment method for our Steam release. Will I be able to use my Steam wallet to buy items in the game?Ī. Yes, you'll be able to choose a nickname upon initial login or use your current, should it comply with our naming policy and not be taken. Will I be able to choose a different alias from the one that I use over Steam?Ī.

login to world of warships with steam account

We are happy with our own anti-cheat system and we plan to keep using it for the foreseeable future. Which anti-cheat system are you planning to use?Ī. We plan to implement collectibles, as well as achievements, sometime after release. Will we have Steam collectibles/achievements?Ī. All the authorization/authentication is done on Steam level. After the fist time install, launching the game will get you directly on the "port" interface. The first time you launch the game over Steam, you will have to select your region. This means Windows Store players will play alongside Steam and Game Center players. Steam players will play on the same servers as existing players with a Wargaming ID account. What servers are available to Steam players?Ī. Important note: all updates to the game installed using the Steam client will also be downloaded and installed through Steam.

Login to world of warships with steam account