
Warlord age of wonders 3
Warlord age of wonders 3

warlord age of wonders 3

Therefore a Warlord level early city at 3 pop, without a temple is working 3 tiles, wheras that same city in Regent is only producing 2, and 1 entertainer.ġ.) expand hard out of the gate, as soon as cities hit 3 pop, make them produce a settler, if they get to four, whip it out of them.Ģ.) when you want a city to grow build a temple and cathedral first.ģ.) Forget about early wonders, start building a "palace" to save enough shields for Sistine Chapel, it the only thing you really need. It is harder, quite simply because more citizens are unhappy at lower population levels. If anyone has any suggestions, or can just sympathize it would make me feel better.

warlord age of wonders 3

In Alpha Centauri I found them to be insane and haven’t yet tried them in Civ 3.Īside from building roads from city to city I tend to automate (full automation) my workers, although I’m considering stopping that since I’m disturbed by their tendency to build irrigation a bit too much for my taste. I find if I don’t get the Great Library I can’t keep up in technology even from the start.Īlso if I don’t get Adam Smith’s trading company I’m toast as well.Įven with somewhat smaller numbers I’m able to beat the computer (most of the time) in a war, so military strategy doesn’t seem to be a problem. I tend to keep up in technology until around the early to middle industrial age then begin to fall behind, even to smaller nations that are so advanced that they couldn’t have just traded for all those techs. I like to play on the large maps (I’d play Huge but the time between turns can take too long). Here are some attributes about my game play style that might provoke some good tips: I eventually fall behind in technology (despite being larger than any other civ), and several nations will gang up on me eventually. In Regent I seem to hit a wall and even when I get a good game going. This is particularly frustrating since none of the previous Civ or Alpha Centauri games were difficult for me to advance from one level to another.Īt this point Warlord is terribly easy (and boring) for me now and I’ve usually got the game won (or it is a forgone conclusion) long before the modern age. I’m having some problems moving from the Warlord to Regent difficulty level.

Warlord age of wonders 3